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Psychic Portrait is a psychic art website offering spirit portraits by psychic artist Susan Hodgson .....

Plus many other interesting things for lovers of all things woo-woo!

Gift Certificates areNow Available!

Hello, and welcome to my website!


Please feel free to browse around and explore some of my work.


If you would like to commission a psychic portrait you can do this by either sending your handwriting or your photo.


For a handwriting portrait you will need to print out the form here and then post it to me making sure that no one touches it before you seal the envelope!


I will psychometrise your handwriting to connect to spirit and channel your portrait.

Your portrait could be of a loved one passed over, your spirit guide, or something your guides feel you need right now. 


To receive a spirit portrait from a photo, you will need to email, message or post me a photo of yourself and I will tune in to your energy to create your spirit portrait.


It is worth mentioning that although you may ask specifically for something, you will ultimately be given whatever your guides decide is for your highest good.


If you would like any more information, please feel free to email me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. 


Sue x


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