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About Susan


Throughout my life, I have always been passionate about all things art, but after leaving school, and being guided into a "sensible" job, I qualified in accountancy and locked my creative artisitic and spiritual side away! It was some 20 plus years later that I was made redundant and completely changed my life around. The first thing I sketched was this apple (on a piece of scrap printer paper as I wasn't at all  confident!). 


Not too long after the apple, I attended a psychic art workshop at the Mind, Body and Spirit Fair in London. The spiritual side had always been with me and at 13 was reading tarot, but again, had been locked away with my art, so at the workshop I learned that by clearing my mind, connecting to spirit, and then laying down a scribble, I was able to see portraits to draw within the scribble! It was not long before I dropped the scribble and went straight in to the portraits. 

I have since completed a psychic art course and made some lovely like-minded friends, and it is always very humbling when you receive information which can be validated by the sitter, giving them proof of life.

Aunty Rona

One evening while I was relaxing at home, I had been made aware of some unusual noises around the house including a very loud noise in the kitchen where no one had been for quite a while. Thinking someone was trying to get my attention, I sat down to sketch. I was sketching away, not really knowing what I was drawing (which is how I work), and before my eyes, my Aunty Rona appeared! She had lived in America for most of her life until she died, and the information that came with the sketch, amongst other things was "Budweiser Beer". I assumed that the link was "American Beer", but when I went into the kitchen later on, I saw that the noise I had heard earlier was a bottle of wine rolling forward over some "Budweiser" beers! Lovely confirmation from my gorgeous Aunty x  

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