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Crystal Tumblestone Information

To get the most out of your new crystal, I thought I'd share a few things with you that I've learnt along the way.


The energy from different crystals can really help with healing, protection and psychic awareness amongst many other things. 


You will find that there are many varied opinions and ways of doing things. There isn't a right or wrong way, and everyone will have their own relationship with their crystals, in a way that is right for them. With this in mind, just remember - you can't go wrong! if it feels right - it usually is! 


Choosing Your Crystal


You may want to choose one that has a specific property (like healing, spiritual awareness etc.). If this is so, then it may be worth doing a little research into the best crystals for achieving those goals. In contrast to this, quite often, when you are just browsing the different crystals, you will find that you may be completely drawn to one. It stands out from all the others and you will keep coming back to it. This crystal has chosen YOU! If a crystal chooses  you, you can check to see what benefits this crystal offers and I'm sure you will find that it is relevant to your needs :-)


Cleansing Your Crystal


Once you have chosen your crystal (or it has chosen you!), you will need to clean it. It may well have been handled a fair bit before reaching you, and will be carrying the energies picked up by the shaping process and everyone who has touched it. To cleanse your crystal, you can simplyhold in under cold running water, then use some kitchen towel or a soft clean cloth to dry it. 

Some crystals will absorb negative energy and pollution around you, so they will need cleansing regularly. The best way to do this, it to follow the cold water cleanse above, and then give them a good old re-charge under moonlight. Either sit them in the window in view of moonlight or place outside if it's convenient and your crystals will be fully recharged and ready to go the next day. Full moon is the best if you can remember to put them out at the right time.


Binding Your Crystal

Once you have chosen and cleansed your crystal, you can bind it to you, and give it a specific job to do, should you wish to. Say for instance, you'd like to use a specific crystal to help you connect spiritually during meditation; you've had a crystal leap out at you, you've washed it under running water and you've even charged it under moonlight; now sit quietly, hold he crystal in your hand and ask that this crystal be bound to you and that it work for you to create a clear connection through to Spirit whilst you meditate. You can bind any crystal and give it any purpose you desire.


It's Your Crystal


Once you have chosen, cleansed, re-charged and bound your crystal to yourself, it is yours. Don't let other people handle your crystal or you will end up with their energy all over it as well. If they do, this isn't a problem at all, just cleanse your crystal again as before.


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